Lan’s Weblog

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In cold blood May 9, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — lawnka @ 4:03 am

for kicks and giggles…

In The film, In Cold Blood, based off a novel by Truman Capote. The author examines the background of the two killers and their friendship. Both film and novel allows the readers to be more open to learn more about both killers, Perry Smith and Richard Hickock, rather then to judge and not to not have an open mind about both men. Some aspects of modernism used throughout the film are impressionism and Perspectivism. Both which is brilliantly used throughout the film in an artistic view.

Impressionism: Again, “an emphasis on the process of perception and knowing: the use of devices , to present more closely the texture or process or structure of knowing and perceiving”. Impressionism takes on a big role in the film In Cold Blood. First the two killers were introduced in the beginning of the play where the climax immediately takes place in kansas. Both men , Perry Smith and Richard Hickock, murdered the clutter family. The film transitioned to another scene, not showing who killed the mother, father, or the two kids. Doing so that left a time gap where the audience had a chance to find out more about both men and their backgrounds. Watching the film you would think that smith was a corrupt innocent character that just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. You would also get the impression that Hickock was the one who pressured Smith into getting involved and that Hickock killed the family. Once you get to the end you soon see that Smith was the one who killed the family out of no where.

Perspectivism is the viewpoint of a character. “the use of narrators located within the action of the fiction, experiencing from a personal, particular perspective”. Again the use of perspectivism was used. During the time gap

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